The Royal Master Artist amongst potential friends, potential enemies
Sometimes, when one wanders alone in a forest, and the light is dim and the shadows strange, and you begin to wonder if indeed a wrong turn was taken, or if perhaps that conga line of jiving bears would have been best joined rather than avoided - because safety in numbers might be a real thing - sometimes, at these moments The Eyes appear.
Not suddenly, like an exploding crab, or with warning like an undergrowth crashing, squealing Sealhog, but silent as a cloud of secrecy, mysterious as the cry of a distant beast in the night, and more ominous than a vanished sock from the wash.
Or are they ominous? Speculation has been rife recently, for no one really knows just what they are up to, for they do not speak or keep diaries, just hover, and stare, and blink, and thus they have earned the name The Eyes of Unknown Intent (TEOUIs).
Some groups such as the Over Protective Society have called for them to be arrested, or taxed, or made to wear dark glasses. Recently Klah's Royal Master Artist, fed up with such uninformed judgement, publicly declared "innocent until proven guilty!" and strode out into the forest alone to determine if the blinks are really some kind of morse code, and to discover just what motivates these mysterious beings. After spending a number of weeks with a colony of Eyes, she believes she may have begun to decode their language.
"So far I have translated this:
Y-O-U - H-A-V-E - V-E-R-Y - F-I-N-E - E-Y-E-S
How lovely. Or is it sleazy? Or just an unusual cultural greeting? Or ...are they about to steal my eyes? I'm very torn between staying to find out, and needing my eyes for my hobbies such as albino stick collecting and truck driving".
Nobody knows where The Eyes appear from, or how they come to be at all, but the Klah Gazette would like to note the disproportionately high number of blind corners in forests known to contain The Eyes Of Unknown Intent (TEOUIs).
While the Royal Master Artist is deliberating on making a retreat, hopeful Royal Master Artist candidates may wish to ready their CVs.